11am Service

May 5, 2024

  1. 3:00 Welcome/Announcements
  2. 2:00 Scripture Reading
  3. 0:00 Rock Of Ages - V1, V2, Instrumental (Electric), V3, Instrumental (Electric), V4, Instrumental (Electric), Tag (Empty)
  4. 0:00 Greeting
  5. 4:55 Great Are You Lord - Intro, V1, Ch, Instrumental, V1 (empty and >), Chorus (full), Chorus (full), Instrumental 1, Instrumental 2, Bridge (empty), Bridge (building), Bridge (full), Chorus, Chorus, Endi
  6. 0:00 Offering
  7. 5:37 More Like Jesus - Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus 1, Interlude, Verse 3, Chorus 1, Chorus 1, Bridge, Bridge, Tag, Chorus 1, Chorus 1, Blank, Chorus 1
  8. 30:00 Sermon
  9. 3:00 Invitation
  10. 0:00 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)- V1, V2, Chorus, V3, Chorus, Chorus, V4
  11. 0:00 Scripture Reading