Relief Information

FBCWelcome has signed up with Baptists on Mission to bless our Western North Carolina neighbors with a chance to move back into their homes before Christmas. This is our second opportunity to help with the disaster recovery efforts in the mountains. The dates are December 7th and 8th, Saturday and Sunday (they are allowing work on Sundays).

This is the stage called Essential Rapid Repairs (ERR) and the purpose is to help with the rebuild process so the homeowners can move back into their homes as soon as possible.
Work involved will be drywall, flooring, installing cabinetry, installing appliances, possible ramp building, etc.

You do not need to be skilled in these areas to volunteer.

This will likely be in Buncombe or McDowell County. Overnight accommodations, food, and showers are provided.

If the group does not want to stay overnight, they do not have to.

If you have any questions, email Kelly Allen at 

Disaster Relief & Rebuild Sign Up