Summer Worship Schedule

Summer Worship Schedule at FBC Welcome

May 2024

Hello FBCW family!

As you may recall, we voted as a church on November 5, 2023, to move forward with purchasing and installing new audio-visual equipment in the current sanctuary. Our desire is for our church family to worship in the space that is dedicated for the purpose of worship. The sound equipment has been in desperate need of an upgrade for several years and has limited some things we can do to enhance our worship services. We are currently awaiting arrival of the equipment, and we anticipate this project being completed sometime this Fall.

Even with this limitation we have enjoyed worshiping together as one church family in our Sanctuary on 5th Sundays and for special days, like Good Friday or our Candlelight Carol Sing. We believe that we are in a place where we can worship together every Sunday morning as one family. Our maximum seating capacity in the sanctuary is 350, and our current average Sunday worship attendance would allow us to temporarily gather together in ONE service. In addition to that, our current Sunday School is able to meet at one hour as well with some small modifications.

So, beginning Sunday morning, June 2, we want to implement a “Summer Worship Schedule,” that will look like this:

9:30am—one Sunday School hour
10:30am—one Worship service in the sanctuary

There are several reasons we want to move to this new schedule for the summer months.
  • We are currently able to all fit in one service, and usually summer attendance dips.
  • We believe this would be unifying and encouraging for us to be together in one service.
  • We know that we will not be able to stay in one service forever, and the next step would be to have two services with a Sunday School in between. This summer schedule allows us to take an initial step in that direction.
  • We believe this would also be a beneficial schedule for families with younger children, especially those dealing with feeding and nap schedules.

I realize that moving to this new schedule, even for a temporary time, will be a significant change for all of us. The pews will be more crowded. Our Sunday School classes will have to adjust to be able to have be effective with less time. Those who attend the second service will have to move to a new Sunday morning worship location. Our worship team will struggle to lead well with less than adequate equipment. For every one of us, our preferences will be challenged.

But I believe it will be worth it to spend the summer together in worship and Bible study as ONE church family, trusting the Lord to grow us in unity, maturity, and mission. We believe that the Lord will continue to bless this fellowship of believers as we live for His mission, and we sincerely desire to see this place full of new believers and new faces. We won’t be able to keep this schedule forever, but we can for a few months.

Our plan is to communicate clearly with the church of how we can work together to make sure that June 2 is an exciting, celebrative day of thanksgiving to God for this local body of Christ that He has called us to be a part of at FBCW. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of our staff. Thank you for being an important part of the work that the Lord has called us to at FBCW.

In Christ,

Chris Griggs
Lead Pastor
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